Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Article Assignment #1

A new Google patent application describes a new technology. Google plans to make the already groundbreaking Google glass even better. Google wants to make the Google Glass be able to control everyday objects such as televisions, refrigerators or your garage door. These would have to be special appliances though. They would have to be equipped with WiFi or Bluetooth. The Google Glass would project a virtual display, allowing you to open or close your garage door. As well as changing the temperature of your refrigerator. Sadly, this technology will not be available for a while, and even when it becomes available it will be very expensive.
This new product would be very cool, and fun to use. It would also be a huge step forward in technology. That could eventually lead to being able to control everything in our house virtually. I think that this is a great and innovative piece of technology. But I also feel it would cause some Americans to never get off their couches. I believe that this kind of technology would go past the point of making things easier and more convenient. And instead it would make already lazy Americans even lazier. I also think that for many years to come no one will be able to use this technology, because it will cost a lot of money to get all of your appliances outfitted with WiFi.

Works Cited
Whitney, Lance. "Google Glass could one day let you control objects around you." cnet. CBS Interactive Inc., 13 Mar 2013. Web. 22 Mar 2013. <http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-57575596-93/google-glass-could-one-day-let-you-control-objects-around-you/>.http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-57575596-93/google-glass-could-one-day-let-you-control-objects-around-you/